Before the massage

  • What do you wear when you get a massage?
    Preferably you would wear something easy to get on and off and that wouldn’t be ruined if massage oil got onto it.  But some clients come dressed to the nines during their lunch break and they do just fine.
  • Do you do Reflexology?
    No, I have learned about reflexology by reading on my own and following charts. But, I am not certified in it. If somebody calls requesting Reflexology I refer them to other therapists.  I give a great foot massage!
  • What kind of training is involved?  
    Where did you go to school?
     I went to the Florida Institute of Massage Therapy back in 1989.  Back then Florida was only second to NY state in qualifications for education, testing and licensing Massage Therapists.  Since then almost all of the states have some kind of Licensing/Certification regulation for massage.  Because I maintained my Florida license, when NC began licensing the profession, I was grandfathered in.
  • Why does massage work well with Chiropractic? 
    It is suggested that before receiving a chiropractic adjustment, a massage treatment will loosen up the muscles around the vertebrae and allow for an easier adjustment.  Also, if the muscles are relaxed they will not be pulling on the vertebra right after the adjustment.

During the massage

  • Why do I get a stuffy nose when I lay face down? 
    Laying face down is not a natural position to be in.  Pressure is put on your sinuses.  Moving out of that position immediately releases the pressure and the feeling of stuffiness.
  • What if I don’t like having someone touching me or judging my body? 
    First off, I have never met a judgmental massage therapist.  We are a deeply caring group.  By law you must be draped professionally and nothing exposed.  But it is important to speak with your therapist about your concerns so that the two of you can address the situation so that comfort is maintained at all times.

After the massage

  • Why does a massage sometimes hurt afterwards? 
    When receiving a deep massage, muscle tissue is manipulated  and may cause a healing effect that includes water being brought into the muscles. This is one way toxins are transported out of the area. The fluid in the muscles causes tenderness. The best way to try to avoid the tenderness is to drink extra water the day of your massage. This will act as a pump and keep the fluid in your body moving in, through and out of your tissues.  Your body will love you for it!